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5 Useful Tips for Basement Renovation

Posted on February 26th, 2022 in Business

Do you want some extra space in your house? A basement can become a useful part of the property if you renovate it properly. But when done incorrectly, it could lead to a mess. That’s why we recommend you to seek basement renovation in Scarborough services for renovation purposes. However, if you are planning to go all out into the creative zone, then here are some tips to help you in renovating the basement area.

1. Look For Cracks

Before you start with the project, inspect the foundation walls for any cracks. Next, check your floor too for any basement cracks. If you find any, repair them first with a high-quality carbon repair product.

2. Design Thoroughly

Don’t just assume and go ahead with the renovation project. Many things can go wrong in such a hustle job. Rather take a pen and paper, and design the entire layout thoroughly. Also, make note of all the materials you may require for the project. This will help you in the later stages with seamless job satisfaction.

3. Don’t Build Directly on A Concrete Slab

The best way to do basement design is to add a subfloor to the project. Building directly on the concrete floor may increase the risk of damage due to basement flooding and leakages. Let the air roam freely above the floor by building the subfloor some height from the floor.

4. Remember Energy Efficiency

You should always keep energy efficiency in mind while renovating the basement or any part of the house. Although it means investing some money now. But this will help you save some bucks in the future.

5. Install A Good Drainage System

If your basement floods too often, the entire project and energy will go to waste. So, make sure to build a good drainage system before starting with your renovation project.
These are some important tips you need to remember before starting a basement renovation project n Scarborough. If you need some help with the renovation, do not hesitate to reach out to us. And we would be happy to help.